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# Hero's formula - a complex numbers proof. Given an arbitrary triangle $T$ with sides $a,b,c$, Hero's formula states its area $A$ is given by $$ A = \sqrt{s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)} $$ where $s = \frac{1}{2}(a+b+c)$ is its semi-perimeter. Elementary proofs using Pythagorean theorem or law of cosine are well known. There is a nice proof using complex numbers (given by a then high school student ![[---images/---assets/---icons/exclaim-icon.svg]][^cite]), which goes as follows: First draw the **incircle** $C$ of this triangle $T$ [^a] , and denote $r$ as the radius of $C$. Drawing the altitudes from the incenter to each sides cuts each side into two pieces, to which we label them as follows : ![[0 inbox/---files/Heros-formula-complex-numbers 2023-05-13 10.42.54.excalidraw.svg]] %%[[0 inbox/---files/Heros-formula-complex-numbers 2023-05-13 10.42.54.excalidraw.md|🖋 Edit in Excalidraw]], and the [[0 inbox/---files/Heros-formula-complex-numbers 2023-05-13 10.42.54.excalidraw.dark.svg|dark exported image]]%% Notice the complex number $r+ix$ has argument $\alpha$, $r+iy$ has argument $\beta$, and $r+iz$ has argument $\gamma$.[^why-1] And since $\alpha + \beta + \gamma = \pi$, the product of these three complex numbers has an argument of $\pi$.[^why-2] In other words its imaginary part is zero: $$ {\frak Im}\left[(r+ix)(r+iy)(r+iz)\right] = 0 $$ So if we expand and consider the imaginary part, we get $$ \begin{align*} &{\frak Im}\left[(r+ix)(r+iy)(r+iz)\right]\\ &=xr^2+yr^2 + zr^2 -xyz \\ &=0 \end{align*} $$ Namely $r = \sqrt{\frac{xyz}{x+y+z}}$ . Also note the area of the triangle is given by $A =r(x+y+z)$, whence the area is then $A = \sqrt{(x+y+z)xyz}$. Finally, note the semi-perimeter $s = x+y+z$, and $x = s-c$, $y = s-a$, $z = s-b$, we have as claimed ! --- [^why-1]: Imagine putting these right triangle at the origin of the complex plane, then the complex number $r+ix$ will have an angle of $\alpha$, for example. [^why-2]: Recall when doing complex multiplication, the angles add. [^a]: Which exists by considering the intersection of the angle bisectors to find the incenter. [^cite]: American Mathematical Monthly AMM Vol. 114, No. 10, 2007, p. 937. #geometry #complex-numbers